The Gift of Light

Micro-hydro systems harness the power of streams or small rivers with significant vertical drop to generate electricity. Sarawak's terrain and climate provides much possibility for such small-scale village-wide systems as evident from the names of some of the villages we have worked with - both Long and Nanga mean 'river mouth' in the Lunbawang and Iban language respectively.

Electricity not only enables communities to enjoy lights but other basic amenities such as food refrigeration and television as well as a chance to establish cottage industries. Micro-hydro systems using a free resource enables communities to reduce reliance on relatively expensive, polluting diesel generators and kerosene lamps. These systems serve as a stop-gap measure until better alternatives provided by the government are made available.

We raise funds to provide materials and equipment, mainly high-pressure pipes, a turbine-generator and cables whilst rural communities contribute labour for installation of the systems with our technical oversight as well as any materials available on site such as wood for the electricity poles. A village committee is set-up to work with us during the project.

Upon completion of the projects, the systems are handed over to the communities with terms and conditions attached to ensure safety and appropriate usage and maintenance.

We have to date completed eleven micro-hydro projects, providing light to 200 homes and a 25-door longhouse in the following villages:

  • Long Kerabangan (with Lightup Borneo)

  • Long Tanid (with Lightup Borneo)

  • Nanga Talong

  • Pa Brunut

  • Puneng Trusan

  • Long Lidung

  • Long Beluyu

  • Long Resina

  • Long Remirang

  • Puneng Trusan 2.0

  • Puneng Trusan 3.0

In addition, we have under our rural electrification programme:

  • provided over 130 lamps to the communities of Long Lamam and Long Ajeng without suitable water sources; and

  • distributed a 3kW generator to the Long Remirang kindergarten and solar home systems to a pre-school in Long Lamam.

  • provided solar lights for a village walkway in Long Lamam